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An Amazing Article

“In Africa Christianity changes people’s hearts. It brings a spiritual transformation. The rebirth is real. The change is good.” – A confirmed Atheist. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/matthew_parris/article5400568.ece

Some Thoughts on Expository Preaching and Strange Texts

Some Thoughts on Expository Preaching and Strange TextsBrian Borgman There are some texts that holler, “Preach me!” They are the epitomizing texts, encapsulating some great truth in one place. They are the famous, memorable texts, serving as the mainstay for God’s people through the ages. They are the inspiring texts, which we memorize and love […]

Screen Cleaning

The inside of your computer screen is covered with germs, bacteria and dust that can be dangerous to your health. As a special present to each of you, I am sending the link below to correct this fast-growing potential health problem. Click the link to clean the inside of your screen. http://www.raincitystory.com/flash/screenclean.swf