The Fleeting Privilege of Parents

Life is a vapor (Hebrew: hebel). As you have heard many times, this is the pain of Ecclesiastes. Life is a breath on a cold morning, it appears and then is gone (James 4:14). The prime of life, the best part of earthly life, is spent working. There can be a monotony about that. But […]

Consider the Consequences

There are some bad actors in Scripture, like Pharaoh, Ahab, Jezebel, Judas, and others. Bad people who did bad things, and all faced “Payday someday.” But there are others, who weren’t bad actors, they just made bad choices. Jephthah, Eli, David, Peter, and a host of others. No, not bad actors, but tragic figures. Tragic […]

Guarding Against Wolves

I am taking a short break from the Psalm 119 posts as I prepare for Zambia and try to finish a couple classes (please pray for me!). This morning during my reading and prayer time, my mind kept coming back to Acts 20. Paul tells the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:28-29, “Be on guard for […]