Next Steps, 1689, Chapter 15 – Of Repentance Unto Life & Salvation, Part 2

Look at 2 Cor. 7:8-11 and ask the following questions What are the clear differences between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow? From the text, are there any indications that the repentant person needs to do to follow through on genuine repentance? If so, what? Be specific.

Next Steps: 1689, Chapter 14: Saving Faith, Part 3

Answer the following questions: How do we grow in our faith? How do we fight for our faith? Why is assurance so important for perseverance in faith?

Next Steps: Healthy Stewardship

How does stewardship compel Christians to care for themselves? How do the two great commandments do likewise? Additional Applications Are there any practices in your life that are unhealthy? If possible, ask someone who knows you for their opinion. Encourage them to be honest. Are you getting enough sleep to be healthy on a regular […]