Next Steps: 1689, Chapter 13: Sanctification, Part 2

Sanctification is a lifelong war that is tiring and sometimes discouraging.  What do you need to stay encouraged in this fight? How can you make sure you have these sources of encouragement on an ongoing basis?

How Does Biblical Meditation Work?

I’m bad at faking things. I suppose this is good for a pastor, but it’s also awkward sometimes. For example, if someone makes a joke and I just don’t get it, there’s this special art of not letting on that you have no idea what was so funny. I’m really bad at that. In that […]

1689, Chapter 13: Sanctification

We considered the way that sanctification is “God-dependent effort.” Let’s think practically about how to apply this to our lives. How do you need to grow in dependence on God? How do you need to grow in the effort devoted to your holiness?