Update on Brian: On the road

From Ashley:
Dad was discharged yesterday and he and my mom are on their way back home. Unfortunately, the painful recovery is living up to its name and the trip back home is very difficult for my dad. They are taking it slow as the pain and nausea gets worse for my dad while riding in the car.
Please pray that he can get rest on the way back and that he can be as comfortable as possible as they make the drive. Also pray for my mom that she would be strong spiritually, mentally and physically.

Your prayers have been answered and my parents and my family are forever grateful and humbled that God always supplies our needs and that our cries reach his ears.
2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Lottie from Ohio (A SermonAudio listener): Will add your requests for your dad and mom to my prayers. Will continue to pray for the entire family and the church.

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Philip from New Zealand. Praise God for his mercies. Brian's sermons have been a great resource in my bible studies. Looking forward to his ministry. Remembering him in my prayers.

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